Last updated on March 7th, 2023 at 06:01 am
Have you ever wondered what musky fish tastes like, or which state produces the most muskies, or tiger muskies favorite habitat? Well, here are a few fun musky fish facts.
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What Do Musky Fish Taste Like?
Having gone fishing for musky fish for years, many people have told me that musky fish taste like bass or pike. Musky fish are actually part of the pike family. I personally do not eat Muskie fish, as I fish for the enjoyment and thrill of the catch, not to consume them. I have heard from many people that they are not an exceptionally tasty fish. In fact, many people have told me they are bland and do not have a lot of flavor. Many fish are much more flavorful and can be cooked in different ways. Musky are not one of these fish. Can you eat them? Yes certainly, but in my opinion, fishing for these majestic creatures is far more enjoyable than eating them.
What You Need To Know About Muskie Fish Teeth
Imagine a very thin, sharp razor capable of easily slicing your skin. When fishing for Musky, you must protect your hands, unless you wish to risk being cut. Musky fish must be handled with care, as with any fish, but their teeth are far sharper than most fish in the same families. Some tiger musky have large mouths, with significant numbers of teeth. In order to prevent any slices or cuts to your hands or arms, I highly recommend protecting them accordingly when fishing. The last thing you want to deal with is having to bandage up a would from a slice from a Musky. If you have been fishing for many years, you should know how to deal with this accordingly.
Musky Fish habitat
Where do Musky fish live you say? Muskie fish are found in the lakes and rivers of the Great lakes region. It is important to know when fishing for Musky, that they are found in areas where there are aquatic plants, rocks, stumps, and other vegetation exist. They prefer to wait on prey in these areas to dine on other fish. They prefer the cold water areas away from sunlight and the warmer areas of the lakes and rivers. They do not like moving or turbulent water, and tend to stay in calm water of different depths to wait on other fish to eat.
Top Musky Fish States
Musky fish are found in many states in the Great Lakes region of the United States. Some of these include: Michigan, Wisconsin, and Minnesota. Originally, they were found in the colder waters of the United States and Canada, but over the years have been introduced into many different places. Here are some of the best muskie lakes. Muskie have been introduced into Maine, many of these from Canada. Also, Muskie surprisingly can be found in southern states like Kentucky, Tennessee, South Carolina, West Virginia, and Georgia. Also, some species of Muskie have been found in the great Northwest in Washington as well. This provides fantastic opportunities for the sportsmen in both the United States and Canada to go fishing for this majestic creatures. So, don’t just think about the Great Lakes, when planning your next trip to go fishing for tiger Muskie. However, many areas of the Great Lakes region, Wisconsin, in particular, provide fantastic areas to commune with nature in pursuit of peace and quiet when going fishing.
What Do Musky Fish Eat?
There are many misconceptions about what many Muskies eat. Many people have stated that Muskie’s love to eat Walleye. That is not really the complete truth. Muskie’s will eat any and all kinds of fish in their habitat. The truth is that they prefer to eat fish smaller than them. They will also eat other creatures such as insects and worms. They prefer to eat prey that is available to them, and are not so selective about what kinds of prey to eat, but simply as to what they are bigger than, and if it is available for them to consume. Musky are not a fish that is going to devour other fish like a piranha, but they are a fish who is capable of controlling populations of other fish within their habitat.
Why You Should Fish For Musky Fish?
In my humble opinion, the Muskie is an incredible opportunity for anglers to understand the thrill of the chase. This is what fishing is about. Whether fishing for the first time, or for many years, the thrill of musky fishing is incredible. Having your picture next to a giant muskie is fantastic. Fishing for muskie is about being in the outdoors, communing with nature, and most of all about relaxation. Clear your mind, release your everyday worries, and most of all enjoy it! Life is short, so get off your couch and go catch some Muskie!
gus berry says
what is the average growth rate of a muskie..??
R.C.Dudley says
Many years ago,back in Minnesota,(about 30yrs ) a fishing buddy of mine, showed up on my doorstep with a gut & gill hooked undersized ( about 36 inches) Muskie. He could’nt bring himself to wasting an otherwise perfectly edible fish, just because it was short. the rule of Law at the time was, all undersized Muskies, those less than 40″ had to be released no matter what, but this fish was not going to survive its gill injuries,so my friend brought it by on his way home. I cleaned it, filleted it,breaded it, and Pan-fried it. Delicious Muskie fingers with Chinese Duck sauce or Sweet & Sour sauce,I Highly recommend it.